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Monster Of Mine

Chapter Text

That night you stayed awake as long as you could.

You didn’t want to be asleep if your friends decided to pay you a visit.

Staying up until four or five in the morning.

Soon your mind gave out and you fell into a fitful slumber.

When morning came, you quickly left your apartment and went to your favorite bookstore.

Your anxious thoughts left you feeling not wanting to be in your apartment, making you stay at the bookstore until closing.

The weekend quickly ended, transitioning into the beginning of the next week.

The feelings of the weekend continued to grow just as bad if not more with your fear and hellish sleep schedule.

You were constantly on edge.

It was to the point where every little sound and movement made you jump.

While working, the lack of sleep made it difficult for you to concentrate and focus.

Your coworkers and friends noticed the shift in your personality.

Alice was worried sick about you.

She was constantly sending messages, asking if you were okay and if there was anything you needed.

Amethyst was more logical in her worry.

She would ask if there was anything that was happening to cause your distress.

She would also ask questions that consisted of building more information and clues to figure out what your friends could be.

You were glad to say there was nothing to really indicate they were around currently.

Unfortunately, without more information to pass to Amethyst, the longer you felt this torment would continue.

You just wanted things to be like they used to be.

Before everything became such a mess.

Your head falls foreword and hits your desk in frustration and exhaustion.

You pay no attention to the dull ache in your forehead as you leave your head laying on top of your desk.

Without thinking, you close your eyes.

After some time passed, you’re jolted awake by your phone alarm.

Turning the alarm off, you notice you slept for two hours.

You also noticed it was time to leave for your appointment with Dr. Slay.

Rushing to leave, you grab your keys, wallet and journal, throwing everything in your backpack.

Putting on your shoes, you don’t notice your still wearing your pajamas.

Your exhausted and groggy mind forgetting you wore them while working.

You make it to your appointment with five minutes to spare.

Sitting across from Dr. Slay, he looked over your attire and quirked and eyebrow.

Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you look at yourself and realize what you’re still wearing.

Your eyes grow wide as you give an embarrassed laugh.


Y/N: “Uh, yeah…  Sorry about the pj’s.  This wasn’t planned.”


Dr. Slay: “I’m presuming there was a lack of sleep.”


Fidgeting with your fingers, you felt nervous at how easily he could see how bad your week was.


Dr. Slay: “Now, I’m not here to judge, I’m here to help.  May I take a look at your journal?”


You dig through your backpack and pull the journal out, handing it to him without a second thought.

Dr. Slay skims through the pages, setting it on top of his own notebook.


Dr. Slay: “Mind telling me who these three characters are?”


He turns your journal around to face you looking confused.

What you see on the pages are your sketches of Sun, Moon and Eclipse.




Sun was a lithe and tall fellow.

He was humanoid in appearance with sharp rays surrounding the circumference of his face.

The rays making him look very much like his name's sake.

His nails were pointed and sharp, looking like he had a pair of claws.

The wide grin set on his face showed the two rows of sharp, pointed teeth.

His skin is a soft pastel yellow with orange tints and highlights blending into his arms, legs and chest.

He wore red and yellow stripped harem style pants with no shirt.

A large red puffy collar was around his neck, while a pair of red ribbons were wrapped on his wrists.

Two tiny bell sun charms were tied to each of his wrists using the ribbons.

On his feet was a pair of pointed red elven shoes.

Wavy, shoulder length blonde hair framed his face, covering his ears.

Moon and Eclipse were just as tall and lithe as their brother Sun.

Their sketches also showcasing the same sharp claws and wide pointed tooth grin on their faces.

Moon had ivory white skin with tints and highlights of navy-blue instead of orange.

His harem style pants were a deep navy-blue covered by small yellow stars.

The puffy collar around his neck and ribbons on his wrists were also navy-blue.

The two tiny bell charms were in the shape of crescent moons.

A pair of navy-blue elven shoes were on his feet.

His long straight black hair fell over his shoulders and stopped at his waist.

If one looked hard enough, they could see a pair of pointed ears.

The last piece of Moons outfit was a navy-blue night cap covered with the same small yellow stars that was on his pants.

Fluffy white fur trimmed the base of the cap, while a large puff ball hung at the end.

Eclipse on the other hand, seemed to be an amalgamation of both his brothers.

His skin was a soft gold with navy blue highlights and tints.

The pants he wore were a gradient of red and yellow stripes starting at the waist and faded into the navy-blue and yellow stars at the knees.

He wore the same red puffy collar and wrist ribbons as his brother Sun.

A tiny sun and crescent moon bell charm were tied to each of his wrists.

Red elven shoes that matched Sun's were on his feet.

The night cap he wore matched his pants, combined with Sun’s stripes and Moon’s Stars.

The red and yellow stripes started at the base and faded into the navy-blue with yellow stars.

The fluffy white fur trim and large puff ball remained the same.

Also, where Sun had rays circling his face, Eclipse had fewer rays around his.

The two tone straight black and blonde hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail with a navy-blue ribbon.

His pair of pointed ears in full view.




As you look at Dr. Slay, you close your eyes and take a deep breath.


Y/N: “They’re my friends.”


Dr. Slay: “Why don’t you tell me about them.”