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Love Isn't For The Dead

Chapter 4: Lonely


Edwin and Charles find themselves back in Port Townsend, ending up meeting with a person from their past (or two).


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

(Edwin’s Pov)


The next day, London & Port Townsend


The Dead Boy Detectives had decided it would be more convenient if Edwin and Charles investigated first, so that Crystal didn’t have to fly across the ocean if it ended up being nothing.

It was also necessary since Jenny’s meat shop blew up, along with what was Crystal’s living quarters. 

Tragic Mike had said none of the regular residents had even approached that edge of town; Edwin imagined Esther had cast some sort of warding spell so no one could investigate. Of course, this would be his chance to prove his theory.


Edwin looked at the mirror that would soon be his transportation to the coastal town. If he hadn’t known that he didn’t have blood vessels, he would’ve sworn he had dark circles beneath his eyes. His hair was disheveled, despite the amount of preening, and his sweater’s green color was oddly dull. 

The mirror must be the problem, surely. Ghosts don’t change in appearance unless they want to, and he did not want to look flat


It wasn’t long before the others; Crystal in her regular loungewear, with her customary coffee in hand, and Charles with his usual grin. He caught a few of their words as he gazed at himself in the mirror; “Take care of Tragic Mike, okay?” Crystal was saying, Charles only nodding in response. “Don’t let that Cat King trap Edwin again. Look after him” Crystal said, counting off her fingers. 


Before Charles could utter his imminent response, Edwin turned,

“I will look after myself, thank you. You needn’t worry about that trickster . Besides, he isn’t bad.. He’s just..” Lonely was the word he was about to say. And yet, something about that conversation seemed private, like he shouldn’t tell the others. 

Maybe it was because he saw himself in the infamous Cat King, and didn’t want to share that particular information.


“He’s just what? A slimy yellow-backed prick? Who attempts to snog my best mate 24/7? Because that’s what he seems like to me.” Charles spoke with a certain disgust, and though the words were not meant to be unkind to Edwin, it felt like a barbed insult.

Edwin scoffed into his fist.


“He does not try to “snog me 24/7”, and he is hardly a coward. He died didn’t he? Isn’t that enough for you?” Charles sniffed in response, folding his arms. 


“He’s right Charles. We saw it for ourselves-his corpse I mean-he did die for Edwin. And, you probably won’t run into him too much since you’ll be seeking out this thief.” 

Edwin would never get his head wrapped around Crystal being the voice of reason, but he would take what he could get.


“Yes. Thank you, Crystal. Now we must be going before anything else goes missing in Tragic Mike’s shop.” As he touched the mirror he heard the two behind him saying their mournful goodbyes (maybe he was exaggerating), as if he and Charles weren’t a mirror away. 


As he stepped through the mirror he imagined the mirror Tragic Mike had on the left side of his shop. It was floor length, and faced shelves with all sorts of salts and spices. 


Edwin breathed in the familiar, dusty air.  He spotted Tragic Mike sitting at his counter, only looking up when Edwin said hello. 

“I didn’t realize you’d be using my mirror.” He said in his low voice looking at the mirror.

Before Edwin could answer his not-question, Charles came tumbling through with his bottomless backpack.

“And there’s the other one.” Tragic Mike muttered to himself, as he shuffled his way back to his desk. 


“Now, what went missing first? And where was it situated before the robbery?” Edwin quickly took out his notebook from his breast pocket, pursing his lips in anticipation. 


“I think it was the balm that could heal any cut that was caused by a supernatural being. Ghoul bites, gremlin claws, demon blades, that sort of thing. It wasn’t very surprising, a lot of people purchase it. Psychics, obviously, but superstitious normal people, too. 

Think if they dab it on their neck it’ll protect them from vampires and what have you. 

After that more odd items went missing; relics meant to destroy particular spirits, and then some of that mushroom powder that harms ghosts. 

The last thing they took was that sea glass, though.” Tragic Mike was waving his hand at the shelves near Charles.


“Did these thieves ever leave anything behind? I’m sure Crystal could use her ability to see where they were last, or where they were going, clever that way.” Charles spoke with his usual upbeat tone.


“No, they didn’t leave anything.” Tragic Mike twisted his brows before continuing;

“But the cats did say they saw a suspicious figure head into the woods. Maybe you should start there.”  Edwin swiftly turned, saying a quick thank you.


Charles was soon walking alongside Edwin. 


“These thieves must have some sort of encampment in the woods. And I doubt these are just superstitious individuals if they took some of those mushroom spores. Definitely worth the trouble of getting Crystal over here.” 

Edwin didn’t mention the budding hope that maybe Niko was alive, that she had been taken to someplace. He doubted these thieves were the culprits of that amount of magic, but they might have answers to his questions.


Charles put his hand on Edwin’s shoulder, surprising him out of his stupor. 

“Edwin, mate, I can see something else churning in that brain of yours. Tell me.” They had stopped walking, and Charles had both hands on Edwin’s shoulders. Despite himself, Edwin felt something lodge in his throat. He felt something in his stomach twist, he loved Charles Rowland. 


“It’s just that.. I can’t stop thinking about Niko. I just want her to be alive. She should be alive. If it wasn’t for me, if she’d stayed away…” Edwin couldn’t find any more words. He had failed her. Maybe it was his punishment for enjoying Simon’s torment. But he had tried to help him escape, hadn’t he? Simon had gotten to go to the afterlife.


 Niko did not deserve that fate, and Edwin had let it happen.


“Stop. I see what you’re doing. Niko’s death was not your fault. It was Esther’s. She’s the one that made that damned machine, she’s the one who locked me in an iron collar. It was not your fault.” Charles was gripping Edwin tightly, as if he would just float away into his thoughts if he let go.


“You are right Charles. And we have a case. Let’s go back to London and tell Crystal.” Edwin placed his hands over Charles’s, and gently pried them away from his shoulders.


 Charles was not looking at Edwin anymore, instead at something behind him. He was scowling.


“I’m hurt. Why do I always have to come find you? I thought you’d visit me; but it’s my fault for being such a romantic.” 

Edwin turned, and saw the Cat King, his smile teasing as always. Today he was wearing his sleek black tank top with his matching dark pants and shiny greased hair. 


“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be licking yourself or something?” Charles spoke with a gruffness that only entered his voice when he was talking to the Cat King. 


“What can I say, I’ve been rather lonely . Thank goodness one of my cats saw you, I would never want to miss out on seeing my favorite ghost.” Edwin just stared at the Cat King. He didn’t seem right. Something was off, in his posture, in his slightly wrinkled shirt, in his wavering smile.


“What’s wrong, Cat King? Did something happen?” Edwin caught a glare from Charles, but at least he was hanging back.


“Someone has been killing off my cats, and bringing their little bodies to the edges of my central kingdom. I think it has something to do with your current case, something with the thievery with Mike’s shop. I think I can help you, and in return you find out who is doing this.”

The Cat King is gripping his fists tightly. Even Charles relents at this news.


“Edwin, may we speak privately? It is only then I can tell you more.” Edwin looked from the Cat King to Charles.


“Yes. I will go with you; Charles, you should find a mirror and talk to Crystal about this.” 


Edwin only heard a little of his friend’s disagreement before he was whisked away in a cloud of purple.


So, I'm hoping to get at least two chapters per weekend. I still love writing this, and hope you guys still enjoy reading this! Tell me what you think <3 <3